Thursday, June 27, 2024

How the Copper Industry Supports Global Healthcare: From Hospitals to Personal Care

Copper may be well known for its part in electrical wiring and a long list of other applications, but did you know it is also widely used throughout the healthcare industry? 

Walk through any hospital and you are likely to be surrounded by copper at every turn. What’s more, if you have a skincare or personal care routine you follow every day, there is a good chance that includes a side of copper, too. 

Why is copper such a highly sought metal in global healthcare? This article explores how the copper industry supports healthcare — from hospitals to personal care and everything in between. 

Copper Reduces the Risk of Infection

One of the primary ways viruses and diseases can be spread is through indirect contact, such as touching a contaminated surface and then touching your eyes, nose, or mouth. In a hospital or medical setting where these germs are highly prevalent, things like door handles, door knobs, handrails, bed rails, chairs, tables, cutlery, trays, faucets, IV poles, and various surfaces all become magnets — and pose a risk to anyone who comes in contact with them. 

By utilizing copper for many necessary everyday items in healthcare, the risk of infection from things like E. coli and staph can be significantly reduced. It is all thanks to the antimicrobial properties of copper as it prevents the attachment of living organisms. In other words, what one puts down, another is not likely to pick up. 

While high levels of cleaning and sterilization are always needed throughout hospitals, incorporating copper throughout can assist in controlling the spread of infections. 

How Does Copper Kill Infection? 

When bacteria land on the surface of this metal, the copper ions that are present will enter the bacteria’s cell. It interferes with its normal functions and destroys the membrane. All of the copper will bind snugly to the enzymes within it until it can no longer thrive. The bacteria will die. 

It may sound morbid, but the impact copper has on bacteria has most definitely saved lives. The best part? Copper never gets tired of going through this cycle. It will continue to kill bacteria over and over and over again. 

What About Copper in Personal Care Items? 

Personal care and cosmetics also seem to benefit greatly from copper because it has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant properties. It isn’t surprising that you may find copper in hair treatments, skincare, moisturizers, sunscreens, makeup, and more.  

Shampoos and hair treatments may contain copper particles as they are known to help keep your mane healthy. For those struggling with hair loss, using products that contain this metal may find that it encourages blood flow and, in turn, hair growth. 

Copper may also be found in products that are designed to treat inflammation and redness of the skin. There are many conditions, such as psoriasis, and utilizing this metal can help successfully treat it. 

The antioxidant properties of copper can wipe away free radicals. When used in sunscreens, you can protect your skin from the sun’s damaging rays. 

A few other ways copper helps in personal care: 

  • Reduces wrinkles and enhances one’s appearance

  • Helps maintain collagen and elastin 

  • Reduces bacteria on skin leading to fewer breakouts

  • Help to keep skin hydrated and moisturized

  • Maintain a firmer, tighter skin

  • Promotes even skin tone

Is Copper What You’re Looking For? 

At Atlas Bronze, we are passionate about metals and the way that they can elevate all types of applications in our daily lives. Copper is no exception. 

To learn more about copper, contact us today. Or, shop all of our products online. 

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