Tuesday, October 17, 2023

The Surprising Role of Copper in Green Energy Solutions


The push for green energy sources has never been stronger, as scientific studies show real evidence of global warming and climate shift. Green energy, also referred to as renewable energy, is defined as any source of energy derived from nature, such as sun, wind, or water. In order to be considered green energy, it must not produce any form of pollution. What do green energy and copper have to do with each other? As it turns out, quite a bit. Read more to learn about the surprising role of copper in green energy solutions.

What is Copper?

Copper is an element derived from naturally occurring ores in the earth. It is a type of metal found on the periodic table of elements, abbreviated Cu. Copper is a soft, shiny metal that has an orange appearance when new, and over time it becomes brown and eventually green as it oxidizes. One of the most important qualities of copper is that it is a conductor of electricity, which largely defines how it is used and its value.

How is Copper Refined?

Copper ore is mined directly from the earth and refined through a multi-step process until it is purified. Then it can be made into a variety of copper products, such as electrical wiring, water pipes, cookware, auto parts, and even household hardware like doorknobs.

Green Benefits of Copper

Copper has many qualities that make it environmentally friendly:
  • Completely recyclable. Copper can be recycled without losing any of its properties. It is the same amount of copper before and after recycling.
  • Long lasting. Among the many types of metal, copper lasts just as long or longer than some others and is especially corrosion resistant when exposed to moisture, which is why copper pipes are used in plumbing.
  • Can be refined by bioleaching. One way that copper refining is lowering its impact on the environment is through the use of bioleaching, a process that uses bacteria to separate copper from ore.

The Connection Between Copper and Green Energy

When it comes to the role of copper in green energy solutions, the most valuable characteristic is its ability to conduct or transfer energy. Copper wiring is used to deliver the electrical energy that is created by harnessing the power of wind, water, and sunlight. The efficiency of copper as a conductor reduces carbon dioxide emissions and less energy is required overall to produce electricity. Renewable energy systems contain at least 6 times the amount of copper in other forms of energy production.

Are Green Energy and Renewable Energy the Same?

Green energy and renewable energy are similar, but not the same. A renewable energy source is something that comes from nature and can be replenished. For an energy source to be renewable and also green, it must not produce any emissions or pollutants that harm the environment. Green energy is the term reserved for the cleanest possible energy sources that have the lowest impact on the earth and its atmosphere.

Why Purchase Copper Products from Atlas Bronze?

Atlas Bronze is a leading manufacturer of copper alloy forgings. Our customers include a variety of industries from power generation to military to aerospace. If you’re in need of quality copper materials, Atlas Bronze is a manufacturer you can trust. Call 800-478-0887 or contact us today for more information or shop our online store.

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